Affiliated by : Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik , + 91- 0724-2431960

Government Medical College & Hospital, Akola

शासकीय वैद्यकीय महाविद्यालय व रुग्णालय, अकोला

Pre-Clinical Departments

Department of Ear-Nose-Throat(ENT)


Dr. Bhagyashree Dhananjay Bokare

Professor and Head of the department


Department of ENT is existing since the inception of Govt. Medical College, Akola in 2002. It is well equipped with equipments and staff as per MCI norms and in terms of excellent patient care. It is probably the first Govt. Medical College in Maharashtra to have ancilliary staff (Audiologist and Speech therapist ) separately.

Our department offers undergraduate medical students extensive exposure to the speciality which encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases throught Didactic lectures, clinics and Tutorials. The department is also actively involved in the National programme for prevention and control of Deafness by arranging regular camps in schools, visits to schools for deafmute children and education of general public through audiovisual aids. The patient being the main focus of attention, the department is committed to ensure accessible, high quality and ethical health care.

  • We provide excellent medical and surgical care to the patients
  • We provide excellent student education by teaching best current practices in patient care and educate the students to understand the speciality and pursue carreer for those interested in Otorhinolaryngology
  • We conduct clinical and Basic research to share knowledge, identify best practices and fill knowledge gaps.
  • We value collaboration and synergy with related specialities so as to provide best patient care.
  • To establish a state of art centre for cochlear implant surgery.
  • To establish a centre for the treatment of Head and neck cancer patients where all modern treatment modalities and amenities are provided.
  • To develop a programme to control the preventable deafness.
  • To provide competency based medical education to the undergraduate students.
  • To start Post graduate degree course in the department.
Functions & objectives.
  • General ENT disorders treatment is done by the department.
  • Audiological services are provided by the department.
  • Diagnosis, investigations and treatment of Balance disorders speciality clinics is run by the department.
  • Speciality clinics related to diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses is run by the department.
  • Special clinics are arranged for the management of Head and neck cancers.
  • Rehabilition programme for the differently abled population is run by the department.
  • Special clinics are conducted for the speech and swallowing disorders.
  • Regular and dedicated teaching programme for undergraduate students and their periodical evaluation is done by the department.

Organisation / Faculty ( Teaching )

Sr.No. Name Educational Qualification Post / Designation Registration Number Renewal Date Recent Photo
1 Dr. Bhagyashree Dhananjay Bokare MBBS MS ENT Professor & Head 67828 28/02/2027
2 Dr. Rajeshree Chaurpagar MBBS, MS ENT Associate Professor 2005103826 10/10/2025
3 Dr. Bhagyashri Chiplunkar MBBS, MS ENT Assistant Professor 2011051409 16/05/2026
4 Dr. Parag Doifode MBBS, MS ENT Assistant Professor 2002031439 11/05/2022
5 Dr. Abhishek Sonyabapu Katake MBBS MS ENT Senior Resident 2019054515 01/05/2029
6 Dr. Asif Faiyaz Bagwan MBBS Junior Resident 2011062174 26/06/2026
7 Dr. PT Varsha Vasanth MBBS Junior Resident TCMC 84601 2027
8 Dr. Akash Vispute MBBS Junior Resident 2019042642 19/04/2024
9 Dr. Lalrinsangi MBBS Junior Resident MSMC2018408 2028
10 Dr. Maneesha K S MBBS Junior Resident TCMC 82367 2026
11 Dr. Sonal Gangadhar Pandit MBBS Junior Resident 2021044064 30/04/2026
12 Dr. Bhawana Sharma MBBS Junior Resident 2022062722 16/06/2027
13 Dr. Pravin Tathe MBBS Junior Resident 2020031957 13/03/2025
14 Dr. Suneel Kumar MBBS Junior Resident 2024075823 18/07/2029

Organisation / Faculty ( Non-Teaching )

Sr.No. Name Post / Designation
1 Premanand Rathod Junior Clerk
2 S P Chape Peon

Research Papers published by department of ENT
Sr.No. Title of Article Month and year of publication Journal National or International Authors
1 Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Jan-March 2022 International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery | Volume 13 | Issue 1 International Anagha A Joshi, Bhagyashri Chiplunkar
2 Clinicoepidemiological study of acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis in a tertiary care centre November 2021 International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | Vol 7 | Issue 11 International Apurva Pawde, Rajeshree Chaurpagar, Priyanka Garud, Parag Doifode, Bhagyashri Chiplunkar, Mohammed Badarul Muineer
3 Screening of smell and taste sensation in mild to moderate covid 19 cases: an emerging symptom? : A Prospective study November 2023 International journal of scientific research Volume 12 Issue 11 International Dr. Rajeshree Chaurpagar, Dr. Apurva Pawade, Dr. Mohammed Badarul Muneer
4 Study of clinicoepidemiology and surgical complications in acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis Jan 2023 Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Indian Dr. Rajeshree Chaurpagar , Dr. Bhagyashri Chiplunkar, Dr. Parag Doifode, Dr. Neha Athawale
5 Clinicoepidemiological study of intracranial extension of rhinoorbito-cerebral mucormycosis in a tertiary care hospital April 2023 International journal of science and research (IJSR) International Dr. Rajeshree Chaurpagar , Dr. Bhagyashri Chiplunkar, Dr. Sonal Yadav

Faculty :: Awards & Achievements
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Student :: Awards & Achievements
Sr.No. Discription Download
1 2nd Runner up in Annual AOI and HNS Vidhardh level Intercollegiate ENT PG quiz Competition held on 24/11/2024
2 1st and 2nd Runner up in Resilive surgical workshop at Christanand Hospital Brahmapuri (March 2024)
3 1st Runner up in AOI Vidarbha Intercollegiate PG Quiz Competition 2023
4 1st Rank in Annual AOI Vidarbha intercollegiate UG ENT quiz competition 2023